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Get an Update on Association Activities

The Fibre Box Association (FBA) has a long-standing heritage of serving the corrugated industry. 2020 both challenged and rewarded our industry and highlighted the importance of our trade association’s role in providing programs and services that can be more effectively accomplished by a group rather than individual companies. Learn more about association activities with our 2020-2021 Membership Report and newly released association update video.

Thank you for your ongoing support of FBA. The time and effort you and your fellow colleagues contribute to providing data, serving on committees, participating in industry research, and supporting FBA staff is both recognized and appreciated. Together, we are the most-trusted voice in the North American corrugated industry.


an association update from FBA president & CEO Dennis Colley

The Membership Report complements FBA's Industry Annual Report of statistical data, providing progress updates on the association’s accomplishments in the three areas of core member benefits – data, issues and connections.

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