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Trending Now with FBA!

This October, FBA has been focusing our social media attention on manufacturing. We’re bringing attention to the important role manufacturing plays in our everyday lives and trying to inspire the next generation of manufacturers to join the corrugated industry.

We’ve also spent some time sharing information on cybersecurity and the manufacturing industry in conjunction with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

So far this month, we’ve earned over 110,000 impressions on Twitter, our LinkedIn account has gained 93 new followers, and we’ve reached 809% more accounts on Instagram compared to last month. Thank you to everyone who has liked and shared our posts on social media.

As we move into November and December, we’ll be focusing on e-commerce and recycling. Look for articles, engaging graphics, videos and more about the boxes being delivered to your doorsteps this time of year and why it’s important to recycle them.

If you have any questions regarding our social media efforts or would like to share news or pictures, please contact Caitlin Salaverria at
