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Happy New Year! Many people have made New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier foods, exercise more and even to read more. Keeping this in mind, our social media theme for January focused on Healthy Living, Sustainable Packaging. We aimed to remind consumers that healthy living is about more than just what they eat, it’s also about how they impact the planet.
As part of our Healthy Living, Sustainable Packaging campaign, we created several short videos that can be found on our
YouTube page
. Our
Get Healthy This New Year video
has earned over 50,000 impressions on Twitter. Across our social media platforms, we have been sharing facts, articles and graphics about the importance of sustainable packaging. You can find some of these graphics below.
So far this month, we have generated over 181,000 impressions on Twitter and gained 68 new followers. On Facebook, our Get Healthy This New Year video has reached over 125,000 people. On LinkedIn, our posts have been shared over 150 times.
Thank you to everyone who has been following along this month and interacted with us on social media. We have a lot of exciting things planned for 2021, so be sure to keep an eye out for what’s to come.
If you have any questions regarding our social media efforts or would like to share news or pictures, please contact me at
Thank you,